Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Choking on a Cherry vs. Coraline's Garden

Your Champion
Choking on a Cherry
(The Fifth Element)


Your Challenger
Coraline's Garden

The Case for Choking on a Cherry (1):
Zorg (Gary Oldman), having just given a speech on how his destruction brings about life, starts to choke on a cherry.  Cornelius (Ian Holm) saves his life - but not without giving him a lesson about how little power he actually has.

The Case for Coraline's Garden:
Having ventured into Other World and met her Other Mother and Other Father, Coraline goes out to get Other Father for dinner, and sees a magical garden as it blooms - and Other Father shows her that is has been set to show her face when viewed from above.
(Submitted by Renée)

Choking on a Cherry vs. Coraline's Garden
Choking on a Cherry
Coraline's Garden
Created with Poll Creator

The Score:  Coraline's Garden 12, Choking on a Cherry 7

You can see retired movie scenes right here.

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