Thursday, November 19, 2020

Jetting With Rodan vs. Thanksgiving, Addams Style

Your Champion
Jetting With Rodan
(Godzilla: King of the Monsters)


Your Challenger
Thanksgiving, Addams Style
(Addams Family Values)

The Case for Jetting With Rodan (1):
With Rodan having just awakened from the volcano overlooking the city, the members of Monarch try to lure him away to mitigate the damage.  While speeding towards King Ghidorah, the smaller jets attempt to attack and dodge the pursuing Rodan, though their efforts aren't rewarded, and only the main Monarch jet gets away.

The Case for Thanksgiving, Addams Style:
Wednesday Addams (Christina Ricci) has had enough: Sent to camp against her will, forced to watch family friendly films for hours on end, and playing second fiddle to Amanda Buckman (Mercedes McNab) in the camp play.  Wednesday gets her revenge though, allying with the other camp rejects to take over the camp during the performance in this hilarious scene.

Jetting With Rodan vs. Thanksgiving, Addams Style
Jetting With Rodan
Thanksgiving, Addams Style
Created with Survey Maker

The Score:  Thanksgiving, Addams Style 11, Jetting With Rodan 2

You can see retired movie scenes right here.

Have a suggestion?  Read the rules and send me an email!

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