Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Fighting Shredder vs. Jetting With Rodan

Your Champion
Fighting Shredder
(Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)


Your Challenger
Jetting With Rodan
(Godzilla: King of the Monsters)

The Case for Fighting Shredder (5):
In this climactic confrontation, the four turtles find themselves facing Shredder (James Saito) - and find they have met their match in battle.  Thankfully, the timely arrival of Casey Jones (Elias Koteas) and Splinter (Kevin Clash) helps them, as Splinter reveals to Shredder that they are longtime foes - getting his attention and leading to his defeat.

The Case for Jetting With Rodan:
With Rodan having just awakened from the volcano overlooking the city, the members of Monarch try to lure him away to mitigate the damage.  While speeding towards King Ghidorah, the smaller jets attempt to attack and dodge the pursuing Rodan, though their efforts aren't rewarded, and only the main Monarch jet gets away.

Fighting Shredder vs. Jetting With Rodan
Fighting Shredder
Jetting With Rodan

The Score:  Jetting With Rodan 10, Fighting Shredder 7

You can see retired movie scenes right here.

Have a suggestion?  Read the rules and send me an email!

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