Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Remember Me vs. Tar Man

Your Champion
Remember Me


Your Challenger
Tar Man
(The Return of the Living Dead)

The Case for Remember Me (2):
Trapped by Ernesto (Benjamin Bratt), Hector (Gael Garcia Bernal) realizes that he is slowly being forgotten, and expresses regret to Miguel (Anthony Gonzales) - leading to the revelation that the two are related.  Upon seeing the picture of his family, Hector flashes back to when he was alive, and the song he shared with his daughter.
(Submitted by LindaValo)

The Case for Tar Man:
Tina (Beverly Randolph) goes looking for her boyfriend Freddy (Thom Matthews) at his place of work, and wanders into the basement where she discovers one of the living dead that had been stored in a drum.  Dubbed the Tar Man (or Tarman), the creature became the most iconic of the undead from this 1985 movie.

Remember Me vs. Tar Man
Remember Me
Tar Man
Created with Quiz Maker

The Score:  Tar Man 7, Remember Me 6

You can see retired movie scenes right here.

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