Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Remember Me vs And Then

Your Champion
Remember Me


Your Challenger
And Then
(Dude, Where's My Car?)

The Case for Remember Me (1):
Trapped by Ernesto (Benjamin Bratt), Hector (Gael Garcia Bernal) realizes that he is slowly being forgotten, and expresses regret to Miguel (Anthony Gonzales) - leading to the revelation that the two are related.  Upon seeing the picture of his family, Hector flashes back to when he was alive, and the song he shared with his daughter.
(Submitted by LindaValo)

The Case for And Then:
Stopping to get some food, Jesse (Ashton Kutcher) orders for the three of them.  However, once he is finished, the woman taking their order (Freda Foh Shen) continually asks him for more items, leading to his attacking of the order box.

Remember Me vs. And Then
Remember Me
And Then
Created with QuizMaker

The Score:  Remember Me 15, And Then 5

You can see retired movie scenes right here.

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