Thursday, July 29, 2021

Black Sheep vs. White Woman's Instagram

Your Champion
Black Sheep
(Scott Pilgrim vs. The World)


Your Challenger
White Woman's Instagram

The Case for Black Sheep (4):
Scott (Michael Cera) and Ramona (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) go to see his former flame Envy Adams (Brie Larson) perform, and Scott learns that the bassist - vegan-powered Todd (Brandon Routh) is his next opponent.
(Submitted by Travis)

The Case for White Woman's Instagram:
In this carefully crafted song, Bo Burnham appears to be mocking the vapid sensibilities of a particular sort of woman, but then hits with a sucker punch as he fully fleshes out this fictional woman into a real human before returning her to a hobby (Instagram) that makes her happy.

Black Sheep vs. White Woman's Instagram
Black Sheep
White Woman's Instagram
Created with QuizMaker

The Score:  Black Sheep 7, White Woman's Instagram 5

You can see retired movie scenes right here.

Have a suggestion?  Read the rules and send me an email!

1 comment:

  1. Black sheep vs sweet transvestite (rocky horror picture show)
