Thursday, July 29, 2021

Black Sheep vs. White Woman's Instagram

Your Champion
Black Sheep
(Scott Pilgrim vs. The World)


Your Challenger
White Woman's Instagram

The Case for Black Sheep (4):
Scott (Michael Cera) and Ramona (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) go to see his former flame Envy Adams (Brie Larson) perform, and Scott learns that the bassist - vegan-powered Todd (Brandon Routh) is his next opponent.
(Submitted by Travis)

The Case for White Woman's Instagram:
In this carefully crafted song, Bo Burnham appears to be mocking the vapid sensibilities of a particular sort of woman, but then hits with a sucker punch as he fully fleshes out this fictional woman into a real human before returning her to a hobby (Instagram) that makes her happy.

Black Sheep vs. White Woman's Instagram
Black Sheep
White Woman's Instagram
Created with QuizMaker

The Score:  Black Sheep 7, White Woman's Instagram 5

You can see retired movie scenes right here.

Have a suggestion?  Read the rules and send me an email!

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Black Sheep vs. Piano Dancing

Your Champion
Black Sheep
(Scott Pilgrim vs. The World)


Your Challenger
Piano Dancing

The Case for Black Sheep (3):
Scott (Michael Cera) and Ramona (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) go to see his former flame Envy Adams (Brie Larson) perform, and Scott learns that the bassist - vegan-powered Todd (Brandon Routh) is his next opponent.
(Submitted by Travis)

The Case for Piano Dancing:
Walking into a store, Josh (Tom Hanks) steps onto a giant keyboard and is instantly entertained.  His enthusiasm is infectious, and soon a crowd has gathered as he and MacMillan (Robert Loggia) play a small handful of tunes.

Black Sheep vs. Piano Dancing
Black Sheep
Piano Dancing
Created with Quiz Maker

The Score:  Black Sheep 11, Piano Dancing 9

You can see retired movie scenes right here.

Have a suggestion?  Read the rules and send me an email!

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Black Sheep vs. The Exorcism of Jonah Hill

Your Champion
Black Sheep
(Scott Pilgrim vs. The World)


Your Challenger
The Exorcism of Jonah Hill
(This Is the End)

The Case for Black Sheep (2):
Scott (Michael Cera) and Ramona (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) go to see his former flame Envy Adams (Brie Larson) perform, and Scott learns that the bassist - vegan-powered Todd (Brandon Routh) is his next opponent.
(Submitted by Travis)

The Case for The Exorcism of Jonah Hill:
Things go south very quickly for the cast of This Is the End, culminating in the demonic possession of Jonah Hill.  His friends gather around to try to exorcise the demon from him, in what starts off as a fairly serious scene.  Then it becomes clear that Jay (Jay Baruchal) has no idea what he is doing, and it degenerates from that point on until (hilariously) no one is even paying attention to the demon-possessed person they share a room with.

Black Sheep vs. The Exorcism of Jonah Hill
Black Sheep
The Exorcism of Jonah Hill
Created with Quiz Maker

The Score:  Black Sheep 10, The Exorcism of Jonah Hill 4

You can see retired movie scenes right here.

Have a suggestion?  Read the rules and send me an email!

Monday, July 26, 2021

Black Sheep vs. Cemetery Stories

Your Champion
Black Sheep
(Scott Pilgrim vs. The World)


Your Challenger
Cemetery Stories

The Case for Black Sheep (1):
Scott (Michael Cera) and Ramona (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) go to see his former flame Envy Adams (Brie Larson) perform, and Scott learns that the bassist - vegan-powered Todd (Brandon Routh) is his next opponent.
(Submitted by Travis)

The Case for Cemetery Stories:
Visiting a graveyard that has multiple members of Woody's (Bruce Dern) family in it, David (Will Forte) gets a colorful history of his father's family from his mother Kate (June Squibb).  Kate provides some extra commentary about the deceased's sex lives - something neither Woody or David want to hear.

Black Sheep vs. Cemetery Stories
Black Sheep
Cemetery Stories
Created with QuizMaker

The Score:  Black Sheep 14, Cemetery Stories 2

You can see retired movie scenes right here.

Have a suggestion?  Read the rules and send me an email!

Sunday, July 25, 2021

A Case of Beer vs. Black Sheep

Your Champion
A Case of Beer
(Almost Famous)


Your Challenger
Black Sheep
(Scott Pilgrim vs. The World)

The Case for A Case of Beer (1):
Arguing with Penny Lane (Kate Hudson), William (Patrick Fugit) tells her that he is much more dangerous than she thinks - and follows through on that with the information that Penny was traded away by Russell (Billy Crudup) for $50 and a case of beer.  Shocked and hurt by the news, Penny tries to play off this knowledge, but Hudson beautifully shows just how much this has hurt Penny, even as William apologizes.
(Inspired by The Film Experience)

The Case for Black Sheep:
Scott (Michael Cera) and Ramona (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) go to see his former flame Envy Adams (Brie Larson) perform, and Scott learns that the bassist - vegan-powered Todd (Brandon Routh) is his next opponent.
(Submitted by Travis)

A Case of Beer vs. Black Sheep
A Case of Beer
Black Sheep
Created with QuizMaker

The Score:  Black Sheep 13, A Case of Beer 2

You can see retired movie scenes right here.

Have a suggestion?  Read the rules and send me an email!